Summer’s Over but No One is Sleeping
Expect more than 70,000 people in the historic center of Lucca to celebrate Saturday, August 26th
Museums will be open for the first time,
more free guided tours,
special events for children & families,
dance & dancing in the squares,
live music & dj sets in the clubs
a midnight laser light spectacular in Piazza San Martino,
open shops and restaurants…
all are planned for the evening of the “Notte Bianca”
This very rich “menu” is, as always, free and aimed at a public of all ages – from the youngest to the most mature.
In fact, the desire to resume partying is so great that in just a few years the ‘Nessun Dorma’ event has been able to become, with its 60-70 thousand spectators a year, second only to Lucca Comics & Games as the event claiming the highest number of participants in a single day in Lucca.

Among this year’s novelties, the opening of the national museums Mansi and Villa Guinigi and a collaboration with Lucca Crea, the company that organizes Lucca Comics & Games. Among the top events will be the return of Lucchese comedian Matteo Cesca, who will perform at 21:30 at Cred in via Sant’Andrea.
The main event scheduled for midnight in Piazza San Martino, will be an evocative light show on the facade of the cathedral, organized by the Proietta company.
The White Night Festival, born in 2012 and then temporarily interrupted in 2020 and 2021 due to anti-covid restrictions, is organized by Confcommercio Imprese for Italy, and the Provinces of Lucca and Massa Carrara, in collaboration with the municipalities and support from the Prefectures, the Chamber of Commerce, Banco Bpm, Ego Wellness, Enegan and Nuova Comauto.
For the complete program of events, consult the websites: www.confcommercioms.it or www.comune.lucca.it, where it will also be possible to download the event’s brochure. Details also are on the social pages of Confcommercio and the Municipalities, as well as on the official Facebook page of the Notte Bianca Lucca event.